
Laserhegn 60 meter udendørs/180 meter indendørs

  • Laserhegn
  • 60 meter udendørs
  • 180 meter indendørs
  • 12V DC
  • Sabotagesikring
  • Relæ udgang
Varenummer: ABT-60
695,00 kr.
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Dette laserhegn består af en sender- og en modtagerdel, som placeres over for hinanden med en rækkevidde på op til 60 meters udendørs eller 180 meter indendørs. Enhederne oppebærer usynlige og ufarlige laserstråler mellem sig. Hvis en stråle bliver brudt, bliver der givet besked til et relæ, som derefter kan aktivere alarm, lys eller andet.

Laserhegnet er sabotagesikkert, hvilket vil sige, at relæet får besked, hvis én af hegnets dele forsøges afmonteret eller ødelagt.



-         Indbyggede lysdioder sørger for, at de to enheder let kan monteres over for hinanden.

-         Automatisk gain-kontrol: Enhederne justerer løbende selv strålestyrken ud fra temperaturforholdene.

-         Kan benyttes i temperaturer fra -25o C til 55o C.

-         Justerbar følsomhed, så fejlalarmer undgås:


Specifikationer (på engelsk)



Detection method

Infrared photoelectric






Beam characteristics

Pulsed infrared dual beams

Interruption period


Power input


Current consumption

500 mA

Tamper switch

N.C.Opens when cover is removed (receiver only)

Operating temperature

-25°~ 55°

Environment humidity

95% max

Alignment angle



Wall or pole


300g(Both transmitter and receiver)


PC Resin(Black)


Design Durability

Highly Durable and Heat-Resistant Housing Cover and Chassis. The housing cover and chassis provide higher durability against shocks, high temperatures, and many other harsh environmental conditions.


Frost and Dew Protection

An anti-frost and convex visor design is incorporated to protect the detector from effect of frost and dew.


High Grade Aspherical Lens

The high grade Aspherical lens creates more sharply defined and precise infrared beams compared to ordinary fresnel lenses.


99.5% Beam Blocking stability

Stable operation is maintained with asmuch as 99.5% of the beam's energyblocked by heavy rain,dust storms,Snow or fog.


Twin Synchronized Pulsed Beams Designed for Greater Stability

"And Gate" dual beams require simultaneous interruption of both beams to trigger an activation. No activation is generated when a bird or falling leaves break just one beam.


Adjustable Beam Interruption Period

The Beam Interruption Time (the amount of time a beam must be broken for an alarm to occur) can be adjusted to fit any application. For example, when protecting a wall or fence, a longer interruption time will catch intruders, but let jumping cats pass through without setting off an alarm.


Quick optical and voltage alignment to speed up positioning

A conveniently placed viewfinder allows for easyalignent even in some of the most difficult mounting situations. In the receiver there are two holes indicating for voltage measuring.Fine the beam and use a voltmeter to measure the voltage until the suggested value appears. The rotating dial and voltage measuring allows the installer to finely adjust the beam easily horizontally ( 180/ 90) or vertically ( 10/ 5). 


A.G.C. (Automatic Gain Control) Circuit

The A.G.C. Circuit continually monitors forgradual changes in the signal's strength caused by changing weather conditions. It adjusts the sensitivity accordingly to maintain the proper signal level for the current Environmental conditions.

Dette laserhegn består af en sender- og en modtagerdel, som placeres over for hinanden med en rækkevidde på op til 60 meters udendørs eller 180 meter indendørs. Enhederne oppebærer usynlige og ufarlige laserstråler mellem sig. Hvis en stråle bliver brudt, bliver der givet besked til et relæ, som derefter kan aktivere alarm, lys eller andet.

Laserhegnet er sabotagesikkert, hvilket vil sige, at relæet får besked, hvis én af hegnets dele forsøges afmonteret eller ødelagt.



-         Indbyggede lysdioder sørger for, at de to enheder let kan monteres over for hinanden.

-         Automatisk gain-kontrol: Enhederne justerer løbende selv strålestyrken ud fra temperaturforholdene.

-         Kan benyttes i temperaturer fra -25o C til 55o C.

-         Justerbar følsomhed, så fejlalarmer undgås:


Specifikationer (på engelsk)



Detection method

Infrared photoelectric






Beam characteristics

Pulsed infrared dual beams

Interruption period


Power input


Current consumption

500 mA

Tamper switch

N.C.Opens when cover is removed (receiver only)

Operating temperature

-25°~ 55°

Environment humidity

95% max

Alignment angle



Wall or pole


300g(Both transmitter and receiver)


PC Resin(Black)


Design Durability

Highly Durable and Heat-Resistant Housing Cover and Chassis. The housing cover and chassis provide higher durability against shocks, high temperatures, and many other harsh environmental conditions.


Frost and Dew Protection

An anti-frost and convex visor design is incorporated to protect the detector from effect of frost and dew.


High Grade Aspherical Lens

The high grade Aspherical lens creates more sharply defined and precise infrared beams compared to ordinary fresnel lenses.


99.5% Beam Blocking stability

Stable operation is maintained with asmuch as 99.5% of the beam's energyblocked by heavy rain,dust storms,Snow or fog.


Twin Synchronized Pulsed Beams Designed for Greater Stability

"And Gate" dual beams require simultaneous interruption of both beams to trigger an activation. No activation is generated when a bird or falling leaves break just one beam.


Adjustable Beam Interruption Period

The Beam Interruption Time (the amount of time a beam must be broken for an alarm to occur) can be adjusted to fit any application. For example, when protecting a wall or fence, a longer interruption time will catch intruders, but let jumping cats pass through without setting off an alarm.


Quick optical and voltage alignment to speed up positioning

A conveniently placed viewfinder allows for easyalignent even in some of the most difficult mounting situations. In the receiver there are two holes indicating for voltage measuring.Fine the beam and use a voltmeter to measure the voltage until the suggested value appears. The rotating dial and voltage measuring allows the installer to finely adjust the beam easily horizontally ( 180/ 90) or vertically ( 10/ 5). 


A.G.C. (Automatic Gain Control) Circuit

The A.G.C. Circuit continually monitors forgradual changes in the signal's strength caused by changing weather conditions. It adjusts the sensitivity accordingly to maintain the proper signal level for the current Environmental conditions.
